India Trade Expo

Non-Woven Fabrics Market Size Projected to Reach US$ 77 Billion by 2027

The global non-woven fabrics market is experiencing significant growth, driven by a multitude of factors such as increasing demand in healthcare, automotive, and construction industries, as well as a growing emphasis on sustainability and hygiene. As per the latest market research reports, the non-woven fabrics market is expected to be worth around US$ 77 billion by 2027. This article explores the key drivers behind this growth, emerging trends, and the implications for various industries.

The Rise of Non-Woven Fabrics:

Non-woven fabrics have emerged as a versatile alternative to traditional woven textiles and are rapidly gaining traction across various industries. These fabrics are manufactured by bonding or mechanically interlocking fibers together, rather than weaving or knitting them. The result is a material with unique properties, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Key Drivers of Growth:

  1. Healthcare Industry: The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of non-woven fabrics in the healthcare sector. These fabrics are used in the production of surgical gowns, face masks, and various medical supplies. The ongoing focus on healthcare infrastructure and infection control measures is expected to drive sustained demand for non-woven materials.
  2. Hygiene Products: Non-woven fabrics are commonly used in the production of personal hygiene products such as diapers, sanitary napkins, and wet wipes. As awareness of hygiene and sanitation continues to grow globally, the demand for these products is expected to rise, boosting the non-woven fabrics market.
  3. Automotive Industry: Non-woven fabrics find applications in the automotive industry for interior components, insulation, and noise reduction. As the automotive sector witnesses technological advancements and an increasing emphasis on lightweight materials, the demand for non-woven fabrics is set to surge.
  4. Construction Sector: Non-woven geotextiles play a crucial role in construction projects by enhancing soil stability and preventing erosion. With urbanization and infrastructure development on the rise, the construction industry is a significant contributor to the growth of the non-woven fabrics market.
  5. Sustainability: Non-woven fabrics are often considered more environmentally friendly than traditional woven textiles due to their reduced water and energy consumption during manufacturing. As sustainability becomes a central concern for consumers and businesses, non-woven fabrics gain further favor.

Emerging Trends:

  1. Biodegradable Non-Wovens: Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on developing biodegradable and eco-friendly non-woven fabrics to address environmental concerns. These materials are expected to gain popularity in various applications.
  2. Innovative Healthcare Products: The healthcare industry continues to witness innovations in non-woven products, including antimicrobial and antiviral fabrics, as well as those designed for specific medical applications.
  3. Smart Fabrics: Incorporating smart technology into non-woven fabrics is a growing trend. These fabrics can have embedded sensors or conductive properties for use in wearable technology and other high-tech applications.
  4. Customization and Personalization: Non-woven fabrics can be customized in terms of thickness, texture, and performance characteristics. This trend caters to specific industry needs and fosters product development.


The non-woven fabrics market is poised for significant growth in the coming years, with a projected worth of around US$ 77 billion by 2027. Driven by factors such as healthcare demand, sustainability concerns, and technological advancements, the industry is adapting and evolving to meet the needs of various sectors. As the world becomes increasingly conscious of hygiene, sustainability, and innovation, non-woven fabrics are well-positioned to play a crucial role in shaping the future of multiple industries.

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